Westmorland Coat of Arms

Westmorland Coat of Arms

Thursday 24 February 2011

Back on the Bus

Back on the bus earlier today on my way home. Two elderly ladies boarded and one was obviously very lame. I was heartened to see that two young people who were occupying seats at the front of the bus , gave up their seats so that these ladies could get seated close to the door. (Isn't it nice not be be constantly slagging off the kids of today).

Friday 18 February 2011

Take a look at this link to the Bownessy Monster, spotted by some people out  in a Kayake on lake Windermere.
Picture of the Bownessie Monster
Any  ideas what you think it is ?
Apparently it was the "size of three cars"
All i can think is -- it must have once been one heck of a big tree --lol

The Politics of Fear

Riding the bus, as i often do now , i tend to chat to those around me, just to pass the time of day.
Talking to an elderly lady the other morning , she remarked on the changes the current government are making to so many different areas of our lives . As she commented on the many things that would affect her, i noticed as she spoke about the changes to the benefit and pensions systems , that her voice became filled with fear, regarding the ongoing changes.
How proud our government ministers must be to be frightening the elderly and the infirm , with their ongoing rhetoric about the savings they are going to make in the welfare system.
It makes you proud to be British.