Westmorland Coat of Arms

Westmorland Coat of Arms

Monday 18 January 2010


As many of our local reader will know (hey believe it or not we,ve actually got one- thanks Dave -was feeling a bit lonely here all alone), anyway - those reading the Westmorland gazette will be aware of the "Spot the Dog" competition . So i thought we would go one better and introduce two competitions .
The first is entitled "Spot the Grit"
and the second is called "Spot the Council Gritter"
and we can use the above picture for both
Winners get a weekend in Burneside and runners up get a fortnight.

So to the serious aspect of my joviality. There have been some very serious accidents locally with injuries and sadly also fatalities. This makes me wonder how the council cost out the economics of a little grit spread on the main pavements of the town against the accidents resulting from not bothering.

Being no spring chicken myself (but not dead quite yet), i must admit to staying off the pavements as much as possible during this snowy spell, especially as i watched several people slide down the road without a toboggan in sight.My reasoning being it is safer to walk down the middle of the road with a 20 ton truck inches away from you , than it is to take your life in your hands and risk injury on the lethal pavements of Kendal Town.

I suppose with so much time on my hands i have found my mind wandering back to my days as a child  here in Kendal. It only seems like yesterday , and i can hardly believe than some 50 years have passed since i joined "Noddy" Richardson's class as the first "First Year" to enter the then brand new Longlands Boys School (Now part of Queen Katherines School), and this was much to the annoyance of Mrs Mayor (our final year teacher at St Thomas's  Prmary School, at the end of Burneside Rd- now a print works) as many of the class were expected to join the dizzy heights of the Grammar School, but never made it.

I joined that website on Facebook "You know your from Kendal when..." and i hate to admit it , but i seem to be one of the oldest people on there, and yes so many things have changed over the years here in Kendal. The population has mushroomed from some 18,000 when i was growing up, to somewhere around 28,000 now or so i believe, and so many of the old "yards" we explored as children have been destroyed by "regeneration". A fact I contemplate quite sadly.

Well the clock has beaten me again so cheerio till next time (must get a spell checker on this site )

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