Westmorland Coat of Arms

Westmorland Coat of Arms

Saturday 17 October 2009

My Last posting for a while.

Sorry dear Reader,
But this is going to be my last posting for a while as I'm off to spend a few weeks
in Lancaster Royal Infirmary. Not my idea of fun, but these things have to be dealt with.
Kendal is holding a new "Foodie" event for the first time this year, and its called
"The Kendal Festival of Food" (now there's a novel title)It runs from the 24th to the 31 October and there are a wide variety of food related attractions and venues throughout the town. To find out more go to :

One event not to be missed is the annual Mountain Festival which is being held
from 19th Nov (Thu) to 22nd Nov, 2009 (Sun) at the Brewery Arts Centre and
Kendal Town Hall and Shakespeare Centre.
Further details can be found at : http://www.mountainfest.co.uk/index.cfm?pageid=1
If your interested in "The great Outdoors" this is one not to be missed.

On a personal note , i was pleased to hear that approx 1/3rd of ambulance cases are now to be assessed at Westmorland General Hospital instead of being taken directly to the RLI at Lancaster. This is the first sensible thing the trust has done in months.

Having had the "pleasure " of riding in an ambulance to Lancaster recently , it ended up having a most enlightening discussion with one of the paramedics about the joys of trundling up and down the motorway day after day . Having been told about the lines of ambulances stood outside the RLI waiting to handover patients , i wondered who was providing cover in South Lakeland while these ambulances were sitting outside the Lancaster Hospital- and the truth seems to be --its No-one, despite what the "Trust" tells the public (Trust seems to be the worst possible name for this group of shiny seated bureaucrats).
So if you live in South Lakeland and your planning on having a heart attack -- my advice to you - either DONT or move to Lancaster first.

Another personal niggle -- South Lakeland Council finally got "Their Way" and have earmarked the free Car Park on New Road for closure. Why should this bother me -- well i must admit to using it from time to time. But recently it was not available over a weekend when i was staying with friends in that area, and it cost me over £9.00 during the 2 day stay. Not so much you may think -- well unfortunately I'm in and out of the RLI a lot at the moment so I'm living on a very modest income until I'm able to return to work, and the cost if i had to use the Council Pay and Display sites all week would amount to 40% of my gross income -so i either park my car legally and starve or park it illegally and end up with a parking ticket costing me even more. This exercise is nothing more that a means of adding to the Councils coffers, and as for the "public consultation" -i went 3 time to put my point of view when it was in Kendal only to find it unmanned -- (Me thinks -that way they don't get to hear things they don't like)

Hummm, i think this blog is turning into a personal rant on the things happening locally that i don't agree with.
Well dear reader, , what do you think of the format of the New Style Westmorland Gazette ? i am most interested to get your comments .

That's all for now , Here's hoping I'll be back to write to you again in a few weeks --

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