Westmorland Coat of Arms

Westmorland Coat of Arms

Monday 14 December 2009


Well its that time of year again, when normally sane people don ridiculious costumes in the name ofthe "panto", and this year rthe Brewery Arts Centre is showing "Alladin".
The pantomime is showing up to the 9th of january and further details can be found at

"Made in Cumbria" are holding a christmas market in kendal market Place on Mon21st and Tuesday 22nd December from 09.30 to 13.30 daily, so get along and pick up those last minute presents .

On the 2nd Jan 2010, Ken Dodd makes a welcome return to Kendal and is playing at the Lakes Leisure Centre on Burton Road. Doors open at 18.30, but if you want to see this show , I'd get in touch with the booking office post haste, as Ken's visits to kendal are usually a complete sellout.. Tickets are £18.00.

Fancy visiting Santa with the children? well you can find him at Sizergh Castle in Santa's Christmas Grotto from Sat 12th  to Sun 20th December from 11am to 3.30pm  (Note : Saturdays and Sundays only).

Want to join in and sing? -get along to the United Reform Church Main Hall on Highgate on Sunday the 20th December at 4pm for a candle-lite Carol Service, i'm sure all will be welcome.
Well there are loads of other things going on --so leave your comments of the events not covered here, and a Merry Christmas to all my readers (errr is there anyone out there ???)

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